Non-surgical Knee Arthritis Treatment: Current Approaches and Applications
1. Introduction and Definition of Knee Arthritis
Knee arthritis is a condition that occurs as a result of the erosion and loss of cartilage tissue in the knee joint over time. This condition is usually associated with many factors such as aging, excess weight, knee injuries or genetic factors. Knee arthritis is a common problem and can negatively affect a person's quality of life. Its symptoms include knee pain, swelling, stiffness and limited movement. If left untreated, it can be a progressive condition and affect a person's daily activities. Therefore, it is important to recognize knee arthritis and determine the correct treatment approaches.
2. Methods Used in Non-surgical Knee Arthritis Treatment
Drug therapy has an important place among the methods used in non-surgical knee arthritis treatment. Depending on the patient's condition, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition, injections are also made to increase mobility by lubricating the joints. These include:
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
- Hyaluronic Acid Injections
Another treatment method is biological treatments. In these treatments, the patient's own blood is used to inject the joints. Other methods used in non-surgical knee arthritis treatment include:
- Physical therapy
- Acupuncture
- PRP (Plasma Rich Platelet) Injection
- Exoskeleton Therapy
These methods are applied by experts in line with the patient's condition and needs.
3. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Physical therapy and rehabilitation play an important role in non-surgical knee arthritis treatment. This treatment method usually focuses on:
- Relieving pain
- Increasing muscle strength
- Improving range of motion
Special exercise programs and manual therapy techniques applied by physiotherapists are used to improve the quality of life of patients with knee arthritis. In addition, methods such as cold and hot applications, electrotherapy and ultrasound may also be included in physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.
4. Nutrition and Supplements
Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of knee arthritis. Foods with anti-inflammatory properties, especially:
- Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids
- Flaxseed
- Walnuts
Consumption of foods such as these may alleviate symptoms of knee arthritis. In addition, taking antioxidants and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and magnesium may also support arthritis treatment. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements may also support cartilage health and help reduce knee pain.
5. Acupuncture and Herbal Treatments
Acupuncture is an alternative method used in the treatment of knee arthritis. This practice, which aims to regulate the flow of energy in the body, can help reduce pain and increase circulation. Herbal treatments may also be effective in alleviating symptoms of knee arthritis. However, more research is needed on the effectiveness of these methods, and a qualified healthcare professional should always be consulted before starting any treatment.
6. Exercise Programs and Movement Therapies
Exercise programs play an important role in the treatment of knee arthritis. Muscle strengthening and stretching exercises:
- Can reduce pain in the knee joint
- Can improve range of motion
Physiotherapists usually create exercise programs for individual needs and ensure that patients continue their programs regularly. Movement therapies can help the body regain its natural movement patterns.
7. Combined Treatment Approaches and Advances
Combined approaches have recently become more preferred in the treatment of knee arthritis. These approaches usually involve the use of different treatment methods together. For example:
- Injections
- Physical therapy
- Exercise programs
- Nutritional adjustments
More effective results can be obtained by using different treatment methods together. In addition, research and developments on the effectiveness of combined treatment approaches have also gained momentum.
8. Results and Future Perspectives
Most patients who receive non-surgical knee arthritis treatment experience significant improvements after treatment. Depending on the methods applied:
- Pain decreases
- Movement capacity increases
- Quality of life increases
It is observed. However, in some cases, a full recovery may not be achieved. In this case, it is possible to continue the treatment or try different methods.