Hip Arthritis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation Approaches What is Hip Arthritis? Hip calcification (osteoarthritis) is a disorder that occ...
Bone Marrow Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Progression What is Bone Marrow Cancer? Bone marrow cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when blood...
Bone Marrow Cancer: Definition, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment What is Bone Marrow Cancer? Bone marrow cancer is a type of cancer that begins i...
Bone Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods What is Bone Cancer? Bone cancer is a type of cancer that originates from bone tissue and occu...
Causes and Treatment of Hip Pain Hip pain is a common health problem that can arise from different causes. This article will provide detailed infor...
Muscle Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Current Research What is Muscle Cancer? Muscle cancer is a rare type of cancer that occurs with uncontroll...
Rhabdomyosarcoma: Definition, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a rare and aggressive type of soft tissue cancer that origi...
Synovial Sarcoma: Definition, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Synovial sarcoma is a rare and aggressive soft tissue cancer. It usually develops in ...
Hip Calcification: Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation Approaches Introduction This article, prepared for those who want to learn about hip ca...
Bone Marrow Cancer: Definition, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Introduction Bone marrow cancer is a disease that occurs when cancerous cells mu...
Bone Marrow Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Progression Introduction This article aims to provide a comprehensive resource for individuals and th...
Ewing Sarcoma: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research Introduction This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Ewing Sarcoma. The definit...
Muscle Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Research Introduction This article aims to provide comprehensive information about muscle cancer. Muscle c...
Causes and Treatment of Hip Pain Introduction This article covers the causes and treatment of hip pain in detail. Hip pain is a common health prob...
Bone Cancer: A Review of Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods Introduction This review aims to provide comprehensive information about bone canc...
Knee Pain: Causes, Diagnostic Methods and Treatment Options Introduction Knee pain is a common health problem that seriously affects the quality o...
Pain Radiating from Waist to Hip: Causes, Diagnostic Methods and Treatment Options 1. Introduction Pain radiating from waist to hip is a condition...
Non-surgical Knee Arthritis Treatment: Current Approaches and Applications 1. Introduction and Definition of Knee Arthritis Knee arthritis is a ...
Evaluation and Treatment Approaches: Giant Cell Tendon Sheath Tumor 1. Introduction The purpose of this study is to examine the evaluation and tre...
Skin Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Methods 1. Introduction Skin cancer is a serious disease characterized by abnormal growth of skin...
Giant Cell Bone Tumors: Definition and Treatment Methods 1. Introduction Giant cell bone tumors are rare but aggressive tumors that grow in bone t...
Leg Tumor: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention 1. Introduction Leg tumor is one of the most common types of tumors in the human body and usually te...
Swelling in the Thigh, Knee, Foot, and Arm: Possible Causes and Approach Swelling in any part of the body is usually caused by inflammation, fluid ac...
What is Soft Tissue Cancer? Soft tissue sarcoma describes cancerous tumors that consist of muscles, fat, nerves, veins, connective tissues, and other...
What is Liposarcoma? Liposarcoma is a rare type of cancer that originates from fat cells in the body. This type of cancer typically develops in fatty...
What is Pleomorphic Sarcoma? Pleomorphic sarcoma is a rare and aggressive soft tissue cancer. It usually develops in soft tissues such as connective ...
Benign Soft Tissue Tumors: Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-Up Approaches 1. Introduction Benign soft tissue tumors are tumors that can occur in vari...
What is Lipoma? 1. Introduction Lipoma is a generally benign (non-cancerous) fatty tissue tumor that can occur in any part of the body. These mass...
What is a Soft Tissue Tumor? Soft tissue tumors originate from muscle, fat, nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues. These tumors can be benign ...
What is Ewing Sarcoma? Ewing Sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor commonly seen in childhood and adolescence. It typically occurs in the pelvis, femur, ...
What is Chondrosarcoma? Chondrosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor that develops from cartilage cells. It is most commonly found in the hip, pelvis, th...
What is Enchondroma? Enchondroma is a benign cartilage tumor that develops in the bone marrow. It is mostly seen in the bones of the hands and feet a...
What is Osteochondroma? Osteochondroma is a benign tumor that develops in childhood and adolescence and occurs in the bone and cartilage structure. I...
What is Osteoid Osteoma? Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor seen in children in adolescence. It usually occurs in the leg bones and manifests its...
What is an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst? Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a common benign bone lesion in children and adolescents. These cyst structures, which ...
What is a Simple Bone Cyst? A simple bone cyst is a benign bone lesion commonly seen in childhood that usually does not present symptoms. More frequen...
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